The 2025 Go Primal Games are here
Get ready for an adrenaline-packed showdown! The Go Primal Games is all about teamwork, grit, and pushing your limits. Grab a partner and prepare to take on 3 workouts designed to test your strength, endurance, and strategy in a thrilling team of two format.
Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a beginner, we’ve got you covered with FOUR divisions:
- CompFit Rx
- CompFit Scaled
- GenFit R
- GenFit Scaled
No matter the division, the camaraderie, competition, and fun will be unmatched! The atmosphere will be electric, with teams cheering each other on as they tackle every obstacle together.
Are you ready to see what you're made of? Don’t miss out—sign up today and take this ultimate test of strength, teamwork, and perseverance!
CompFit Rx Standards
*At least one partner must be able to complete the movements as written
Typically do 75% or more of workouts as prescribed
Snatch (135/95)
Clean (185/125)
Deadlift (225/155)
HSPU - Kipping or Strict
Bar Muscle-ups
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
DB Movements (single or double), 50/35
Sandbag Movements (125/100)
Box Jumps (24"/20")
Handstand Walks
Kettlebell Movements (53/35)
Double Unders
CompFit Scaled Standards
*At least one partner must be able to complete the movements as written
Snatch (95/65)
Clean (135/95)
Deadlift 185/125)
Hand Elevated Push-ups
Jumping Muscle-ups
Pull-ups - Kipping or Strict
DB Movements (single or double), 40/25
Sandbag Movements (100/75)
Box Jumps (20"/`17.5")
Wall Walks
Kettlebell Movements (40/25)
Single Unders
GenFit Rx Standards
*At least one partner must be able to complete the movements as written
Typically do 75% or more of workouts as prescribed
DB Movements (single or double), 50/35
Sandbag Movements (125/100)
Pull-ups - Kipping or Strict
Wall Balls (20/14, 10'/9' target)
Box Jumps / Overs (24"/20")
Kettlebell Movements (53/35)
Wall Walks
Double Unders
GenFit Scaled Standards
*At least one partner must be able to complete the movements as written
Hand Elevated Push-ups on a 17.5"/20" box
Knees to Chest
DB Movements (single or double), 40/25
Sandbag Movements (75/40)
Jumping Pull-ups
Wall Balls (14/10, 10'/9' target)
Box Step-ups / Overs (24"/20")
Kettlebell Movements (40/25)
Single Unders